Friday, January 12, 2018

Image result for martin luther king jr day clip art

Week of January 15, 2018

         This week the children will continue to practice for the first/second grade play.  This play will be held on January 25th at 6:30.  A note was sent home listing what your child will need to wear for the play.  If you are interested in helping with the scenery please let me know.
          This week the children will work on the following skills:

  • Teacher will introduce prefixes:  re, un, and pre
  • Students will identify, decode, and read long e words spelled /ee/ and /ea/ in content
  • Phonemic Awareness Phoneme drills (Long Vowels)
  • The children will read, retell, and rewrite the weekly Bible story.  "The People of Israel are Slaves in Egypt"
  • We will continue to review addition and subtraction number facts.
  • Children will add two digit numbers.
  • The children will continue to work on addition/subtraction word problem
  • The children will learn about the water cycle
  • The children will learn about snowflakes
  • The teacher will introduce how to identify the plot within the story.
  • Children will write a narrative about Martin Luther King Jr. using a class bubble map.
      me, feed, seat, we, keep, beak, sheep. dream, jeep, meet
      Bonus Words:  Precipitation - weather

  • Coming Home:  The children may dress up on each day of the week as listed below.  If your child does not choose to dress up for any day they must wear their school uniform.
  • AR Update:  Children that are reading chapter books are only required to read one book a week.  However, your child may read more books if they choose.
  • If your child is not reading a chapter books they are required to continue to read three books.
          Monday:   MLK Day
          Tuesday:  Character Day (Dress as your favorite book character)
          Wednesday:  Nursery or Elderly (Dress as a baby or elderly person)
          Thursday: Jeans and Ezell-Harding t-shirt
          Friday:  Crazy red and white day


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