Thursday, November 30, 2017

Image result for christmas clipart

Week of December 4th

           This week we will be preparing for our visit to Whitsitt Elementary.  The children will take a gift and refreshment to the students at Whitsitt.  Parents are invited to attend.  If you are planning on going please let me know.
    The children will work on the following skills:

  • Identify, decode, and read words with /u/oo sound
  • Review inflectional endings -ing and -ed
  • Compare and contrast stories
  • Work on improving handwriting by writing using good letter formation and spacing.
  • Read and identify details and the main idea in the story
  • Work on coding skills (STEM)
  • Write a narrative about the first Christmas
  • Sequence a story by writing what happened first, next, then, and finally.
  • Review ABC order
  • Interpret data on a graph
  • Review addition/subtraction facts
  • Review previous learned Bible stories    
  • Continue to learn about Christmas Around the World and other holidays celebrated at this time of year.      
book, look, cook, took, hood, room, wood, shook, broom, stood
Bonus Words:  Jesus-Christmas

  • All library books need to be turned in by Monday, December 4th.
  • Field trip to Whisitt (December 7th)  The children will leave school around 8:30
  • Remind your child to bring in cans for the school can drive
  • Field trip to the library and Chuck - E- Cheese    (Surprise Field Trip)  December 11th
  • Christmas Breakfast ( December 13th) in our classroom beginning at 9:00.  Parents are welcome to come and help.  A menu will be sent home this week.  
  • Christmas Carols/Christmas Reading in Eagle Nest Thursday, December 14th (9:00)
  • Pajama Day/Movie Day  December 15th   (9:00)

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