Week of May 14, 2018
This week the children will continue to work on their first grade memory book. They will continue to learn about Hawaii as they prepare for their Hawaiian Luau on Thursday. Information will come home on Monday letting you know what your child will need to bring to the Luau. All parents are invited to attend. We will begin around 8:30 in the lunchroom. This will be the children's end of the year celebration. I will decorate the lunchroom on Wednesday after dismissal. If you would like to join me I would really appreciate it.
Award's Day will be on Wednesday, May 16th. Parents are all invited to join us in the middle school gym at 9:15.
Well, this will be the final blog for first grade. This has been a great year. The children have learned so much and I am very proud of each of them. I know they will each do well in second grade. Please continue to keep in contact with me throughout the years. I hope you all will have a fun and safe summer.
Remind your child to read and study their math facts a lot this summer.