Bible Verse: Genesis 37:5 Now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers.
- The sound of the soft c and soft g sound.Retell and rewriting a story in sequence
- The children will read and retell and rewrite the story about The Gingerbread Man
- Continue to work on sight words
- Sorting adjectives, nouns, and verbs,
- Identifying the cause and effect within a story
- Compound words
- Reading for comprehension and fluency
- Write narratives about the 'If the Gingerbread Boy came to our school......
- Use correct punctuation and capitalization when writing
- Use correct spacing and letter formation
- Continue to work on addition and subtraction number facts
- Begin addition speed drills.
- Begin adding numbers with two digits
- Continue to work on word addition/subtraction word problem
- Identifying and explain a graph
Weekly Spelling words: rice, nice, page, age,wedge, ledge,like,ride,from, dice
Bonus Words: holiday - gingerbread
- Movie Night 12-04-15
- Decorate a Gingerbread Man 12-10-15 More information will be sent home about this project.
- Scholastic Book Fair 12-7 thru 12-11
- Children will go to Chuck-E. Cheese on 12-11-15
- Christmas Parties (Breakfast) 12-17-15